Challenge .401

Find parking, great odyssey

Having a car in a big city and not be a headache. Is that really possible?



Big cities become real nightmares when they need to find parking. Even if it is a motorcycle or a bicycle, it can become difficult to find a safe place to leave it.

Some of the problems we want to solve with our product:

No items found.
Find parking near a specific location or place
Compare prices
Know availability in real time
Show other services
Create tickets for multiple parking

What do people say?

These are the comments of some people who are facing these problems and that you can consider as existing pain points.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

I just moved to this area and I don't know where to leave my car.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

I work downtown and if I'm just a little late I can't find a place near the office, sometimes I have to walk up to 10 blocks because I don't know another parking lot.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

I never have time to take the car to wash.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

I think I'm paying a lot for parking but I don't know of another one nearby.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

In the last parking lot they scratched my car because they accumulate many cars and nobody paid me for the painting.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

I spend all day moving around the city but every time I make stops to solve procedures, that forces me to use multiple car parks a day and it becomes untenable for me to spend the time I spend in each one.

Some tips...

These tips can help you solve the challenge.

If you know someone who has any of these problems, talk to them and find out what their routine is.
Investigate the types of parking and how they manage their prices and services.
Review apps that already solve some of these problems and analyze if they do it efficiently and if they fail, you can improve people's experience.

Example Process

This process is based on the Design Thinking methodology and you can take it as a reference to present your case study.

See Figma templates
Diagram thats show the Design Thinking process
Empathize and discover
Define your product
Sketch till you drop
Prototype your most complete solution
Test and rectify
Learn to stop yourself and present solutions

Examples shared on UXstuff

Case studies that were shared for UX designers in the UXstuff Community.

ícono de navegación hacia la izquierdaícono de navegación hacia la derecha
ícono de navegación hacia la izquierdaícono de navegación hacia la derecha

Some examples

These are some examples of case studies where similar problems are solved. They are just a reference ehh!

ícono de navegación hacia la izquierdaícono de navegación hacia la derecha
ícono de navegación hacia la izquierdaícono de navegación hacia la derecha

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